Labioplasty surgery

  • Labioplasty surgery is a cosmetic genital surgery, which reduces inner labia or modifies their asymmetry.
  • The intervention is performed only under local anaesthesia and takes about 45 minutes.
  • The wound is stitched by dissolvable stitches, so the follow-up removal is not required.
  • The labia are swollen, sensitive and sometimes painful for about 10 days after the surgery.
  • Slight swelling might remain up to 2 months.

What are you asking?

When is the procedure appropriate?

With abnormal enlargement, the following problems may occur with:

  • Hygiene and sexual intercourse
  • Putting on swimwear and underwear
  • Aesthetic problems detracting from self-esteem

Jak probíhá operace?

How is the healing process?

Postoperative care is very important as it contributes to the final outcome of the labioplasty. The wound is sutured with absorbable sutures, so that it is not necessary to remove them. The labia are swollen and tender to painful. Significant swelling can be prevented by observing a resting regime for 2-3 days. Swelling and tenderness subside within about 10 days after the procedure; mild swelling may persist for up to 2 months on an individual basis.

After the procedure, it is important to increase hygiene after each toilet, or rubbing with disinfectant ointment. The risk of minor infections in this area is higher, but they do not affect the overall successful healing.

When is it possible to return to normal activities?

Return to normal sports activities is possible in 1-2 weeks, return to sexual activities after 3-4 weeks.

What are the risks of surgery?

The general risks of surgery include: bleeding in the wound and the formation of a hematoma (does not affect the overall outcome), infection in the wound (need for increased hygiene in the postoperative course), temporary change in sensitivity of the intimate parts, temporary sensitivity during intercourse.


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