
Lanluma activates the natural production of its own collagen. This advanced, non-surgical procedure helps to firm thinning skin or reduce the appearance of cellulite. The natural way to give you beautiful skin... making your skin smoother, fuller and firmer.


  • Strengthening the skin with your own collagen
  • Improvement of cellulite
  • Natural result
  • Long-term effect 2-3 years
  • Does not restrict normal activities

How Lanluma works?

Lanluma is a natural product with poly-L-lactic acid that firms and tightens sagging, wrinkled skin and helps to reduce skin unevenness or increase volume in desired areas.

It does not replace the loss of volume like hyaluronic acid, but activates the multiplication of its own collagen. After injection, PLLA triggers a localized inflammatory reaction in the tissue. It is this inflammatory reaction that promotes collagen production by increasing the activity of fibroblasts in the treated area. As such, the result achieved by the application of Lanluma is not caused by the product itself, but by the activation of the process of collagenesis.

How Lanluma smoothes cellulite

Lanluma is applied for cellulite using a special technique just below the surface of the skin. Here, it breaks the stiff collagen fibres that aggravate cellulite and gradually replaces them with new, smooth collagen. The contractions are released and the skin smooths out on the surface. 

When results are visible

Immediately after treatment with Lanluma, a partial improvement is noticeable, but the overall process takes place after 6 weeks, as the collagen production increases. Depending on the reaction of the treated area and the intensity of collagen network formation, 1-3 sessions are recommended 4-6 weeks apart.

Lanluma is gradually absorbed and at the same time a new collagen network is formed, which improves the quality and appearance of the skin.

How long will the effect last

The results of your Lanluma lift and firming will last approximately two years, sometimes even longer. The treatments are also very safe. The duration is influenced by factors such as genetic predisposition, lifestyle. Quality skin care helps to maintain the results longer.

What parts of the body can be treated with Lanlum

  • Face - alleviation of acne scars on the cheeks
  • Hands - firming the skin on the backs of the hands
  • Arms - strengthening and improvement of wrinkled skin
  • Thighs - by reducing the signs of cellulite
  • Knees - lifting the sagging skin above the knees

Measures after the procedure

  • Apply an ice pack to the treated area during the first 24 hours
  • Massaging the treated area at least twice a day for two prevents the formation of lumps and bumps
  • Restrict sunbathing and sauna for 10 days
  • Depending on sensitivity and response, limit strenuous exercise for 5-7 days

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