EM Slim™NEO - new generation body contouring

EM Slim™NEO is the latest in non-invasive body contouring. HI-EMT medical technology is globally recognized as the best method for body contouring. The extreme "workout" firms muscles while burning fat.


  • Building muscle and burning fat at the same time
  • Time-saving: 30 minutes is like 5 hours of exercise
  • Up to 25 % increase in muscle mass
  • Reduction of subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat by up to 30 %
  • Pelvic floor strengthening
  • Improvement of condition


  • Belly
  • Arms
  • Outer and inner thighs
  • Calves
  • Pelvic floor


HOW DOES EM Slim™NEO work?

EM Slim™NEO  kombinuje nejnovější HI-EMT technologii (High Intensity Electromagnetic Muscle Training)  a radiofrekvenci (RF).

HI-EMT (High Energy Focused Electromagnetic Wave) technology performs accelerated maximal muscle contraction (within 30 minutes the area "performs" 30,000 sit-ups, push-ups or squats). This extreme "training" will gradually increase muscle density and volume.

Radiofrequency warms up the muscles, which leads to more efficient contraction and this allows them to grow more.  At the same time, it increases the destruction of fat cells for maximum effect.


Maximal use of muscle contraction leads to increased muscle density and increased muscle volume. This changes its strength and shape. The fat in the muscle is released to use energy during contraction and is gradually broken down. The contours of the treated areas are slimmed and sculpted.

Clinical studies show that in 1-2 months after treatment, muscle mass increases by up to 25% and localized fat is reduced by up to 30%.


The procedure is non-invasive and requires no healing or special preparation.  During the initial consultation, the client's health condition is assessed and an individually designed exercise program.

The EM Slim™NEO can treat up to 8 parts of the human body with specialised attachments. The head attached to the area to be treated emits electromagnetic waves alternately in relaxation and contraction phases.  The treatment is accompanied by a warm sensation and tension in the treated area. The intensity of the treatment is adjusted according to the subjective sensations. The whole procedure lasts 30 minutes.

Physical exercise is not recommended for the next 24 hours; adequate hydration and restriction of sugar intake is advisable to aid recovery.


Firming and shaping of problematic areas

  • If exercise does not bring such results or if there is not enough time, for chronic beginners the result is a motivation to exercise.
  • Strengthening of muscles after prolonged inactivity - e.g. relaxation of abdominal muscles after pregnancy, spacing of abdominal muscles, muscle weakness during injury breaks.
  • To increase sports performance (top athletes undergo this procedure as part of their training-runners, footballers, hockey players).
  • To remove small fat pads in more physically fit individuals.
  • Strengthening of muscle parts that have limited response to exercise - arms, inner thighs.

Strengthening pelvic floor muscles and treating incontinence

  • Helps with the treatment of incontinence by tightening the pelvic floor muscles.

Health strengthening of trunk muscles

  • Strengthening the abdominal muscles helps maintain the stability of the trunk (rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis). The core muscle groups help to stiffen the spine, maintain correct posture. This postural support creates a youthful posture.


To activate the muscles with HI-EMT treatment, a course of 4-6 treatments over 3 weeks is recommended. Fat loss in the treated area is permanent, but other fat cells can grow with a significantly unhealthy lifestyle.

The effects are noticeable up to six months after the treatment. To prolong the effect and maintain the results, occasional maintenance with individual treatments is recommended.

EM Slim Neo

EM Slim Neo

EM Slim Neo

EM Slim Neo


EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring
EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring


EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring
EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring
EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring
EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring
EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring
EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring EM Slim™NEO bodycontouring

What are you asking?


Zpevnění a nárůst svalů po ošetření EM Slim™NEO  mohou zůstat trvalé i po 6 měsících, je však doporučen zdravý životní styl, který ovlivňuje výsledek a délku trvání. Pokud svaly přestanete trénovat, začnou ochabovat.  Je to podobné jako cvičení v tělocvičně. Pro dosažení výsledků nelze tréninky zastavit. Sval bude slábnout a obalovat se tukovou vrstvou. Cvičení lze dlouhodobě doplňovat jednotlivými ošetřeními EM Slim™NEO. 


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