
Hydrolifting is a method of hydrating the skin with hyaluronic acid with exceptional moisturizing ability. Increased skin hydration maintains its tension and elasticity, while promoting skin cell regeneration and microcirculation in the skin.

Juvéderm VOLITE – a product of new generation

Juvéderm volite hydrates the skin extraordinarily, increases its elasticity and restore its structure. It combines mesotherapy, fillers and biorevitalisation treatment.

 Visible and natural effect is seen immediately after the treatment , maximal effect appears  within 14 days.

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Nejčastější problém v období 40+, který v mladším věku nebyl patrný, je ztráta objemu v ur...

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Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku

Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku

Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku

Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku


Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku

Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku

Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku

Hydrolifting obličeje před a po zákroku

What are you asking?

What is hydrolifting

Hydrolifting is a method of tightening the skin by direct application of hyaluronic acid with an extraordinary moisturizing capacity to replace its gradual loss. Each molecule of hyaluronic acid is able to capture up to 30 times more water than its size. This simultaneously has a supportive effect on cell proliferation and the regulation of skin microcirculation. The activity of fibroblasts is restored, collagen fibres are remodelled and skin elasticity is improved.

How the types of fillers differ

Types of fillers differ in their composition. The differences are in the durability of the filler and how it behaves in the skin. Neither filler is ideal for all areas of the face. Not all are suitable for lip fillers. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are generally the safest. This substance is intrinsic to the body, complications after application are very rare, mostly due to the use of inappropriate density of the preparation in areas where it is not intended, unprofessional technique of execution, failure to observe aseptic conditions.

Semi-absorbable or non-absorbable fillers may last longer (due to the cumulative effect of hyaluronic acid, this advantage is wiped out), but after a certain period of time, the body may begin to react to the foreign substance. It surrounds the substance with cells that try to remove it and visually a granuloma is formed at the site. This phase of the organism's preparation can take several years (usually 2 years). The removal of the granuloma is very problematic and usually does not remain without visible consequences (excision scars, etc.).

Is it radiesse tested and certified?

Radiesse has proven to be safe and effective in many clinical trials. In 2006, Radiesse was CE marked - the European Union standard for product safety. Radiesse was approved by the FDA in 2006.


  • alergie nebo přecitlivělost na kyselinu hyaluronovou
  • infekční nebo zánětlivé problémy v oblastech vpichů injekcí
  • neužívat několik dní před zákrokem léky obsahující kyselinu acetylsalicylovou a nesteroidní   antirevmatika (Acylpyrin, Aspirin,Ibuprofen apod.)
  • akutní a chronické onemocnění
  • léky na naředění krve (Warfarin) je nutno vysadit min. 1 týden před aplikací
  • vyhnout se pití alkoholu po zákroku z důvodu rozšíření krevních cév a zpomalení hojení

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