
Skinbooster is a procedure designed to deeply hydrate the skin with hyaluronic acid to rejuvenate all layers of the skin. It is one of the most effective anti-aging treatments.


  • Intensive hydration for sagging and dry skin
  • Natural skin lifting
  • Increase skin firmness and elasticity
  • Restoring collagen production and smoothing wrinkles
  • Ideal for refreshing skin tired from air conditioning, sun exposure or otherwise aggressive weather

What is Skinbooster?

Skinbooster is a technique in which cross-linked hyaluronic acid is injected into the middle layers of the skin, where it lasts up to 3 times longer. The deep hydration from the inside has a stronger and prolonged effect. The skin's hydrobalance is restored, the surface is tightened and the skin's elasticity is increased. Apply to the face, neck, decollete and the backs of the hands.

How do I know if I am a suitable candidate for Skinbooster?

Skinbooster is the ideal method for dehydrated dry skin that is losing its elasticity. It is recommended to regenerate the skin at the initial signs of sagging, the appearance of fine lines, e.g. after sun exposure. It is also suitable for younger clients whose skin is obviously dehydrated.

How is the procedure performed?

During the consultation, your expectations of Skinbooster are discussed with the doctor and the benefits of the procedure are explained. It is very important to understand what results the procedure can achieve and how many sessions will be needed to achieve the expected results.

The procedure is preceded by the application of a numbing cream, then the Skinbooster is applied evenly over the entire area to be treated using a cannula.

What is the recovery process after Skinbooster?

No special measures are required immediately after treatment.  After the procedure, the face may be slightly swollen and minor bruising may occur. Micro-abrasions after the cannula will disappear by the next day. Light make-up can be applied to slightly pinkish skin.

What are the results of Skinbooster treatment?

Results are visible within a week of starting treatment. It is usually recommended to apply Skinbooster repeatedly in the initial phase. With sufficient hyaluronic acid in the tissue, the collagen level is effectively replenished, which slows down the aging process. After repetition, the effect can hold for 8-12 months, depending on the patient's age, skin type and lifestyle. The procedure can be performed year-round.

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Skinbooster PŘED a PO zákroku


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Skinbooster PŘED a PO zákroku


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